East Calder and District Community Council is a group of volunteers from across the community who endeavour to represent the community’s views in all relevant matters. We address a broad range of community matters ranging from enquiries made by individual community members to those affecting all the community.

We are only able to represent the community effectively if we have accurate information from community members and if community members attend our meetings. Everyone is entitled to attend any of our meeting and we very much invite and welcome you to come along. It is really helpful if you can let us know you are coming along in advance although not essential. Helps us ensure we have enough chairs laid out and copies of the minutes and agenda for you.

This is what you can expect if you do come along:

  • The meeting follows a pre-agreed agenda that you will be given a copy of at the meeting if you have not been provided with one in advance
  • Members who are present are noted
  • Those in attendance are noted which will include yourself, local councillors and any other non-member visitors. The Chair will usually do a quick introduction round the room so everyone knows who is who
  • The rest of the agenda is followed as detailed
  • As a visitor, you are welcome to enter into the discussion on agenda items although are not able to take part in any final decision making, similarly if an item needs to go to the vote as a non-member you do not have any voting rights
  • All visitors are welcome to add additional agenda items either prior to the meeting via the web site or at the meeting under Any Other Business (AOB)
  • Items are actioned accordingly and followed up at the next meeting to ensure they have been resolved

You are welcome to come along to as many meetings as you wish and we encourage those who attend our meetings as visitors and feel they would like to get more involved to join us as members although there is absolutely no obligation to do this.

To see a map of the area covered by East Calder & District Community Council, please view this page.



The members of the community council are:

  • Chris Davidson (Chair)
  • Kenny Ireland (Vice Chair)
  • Morag Lyall (Treasurer)
  • Janet Davidson (Secretary)
  • David Philip
  • Ray Kirk (Associate)
  • Dr. Iain McLeod (Associate)
  • Rev. Alistair Cowper (Associate)